
if (expression) statementA; [ else statementB; ]
Executes statementA if the expression is true, otherwise executes statementB. In nested if statements, the else refers to the nearest if which is not already associated with an else.
switch (expression)
case constantA:
statements executed if expression equals constantA
case constantB:
case constantC:
statements executed if expression equals constantB or constantC
[ default:
statements executed if expression doesn't equal any constant listed ]
for (initialisation; condition; increment) statement;
Execute the initialisation statement (e.g. assigning an initial value to the loop counter). While the condition expression is true (e.g. test for the loop counter having reached its final value) execute the statement then the increment statement (e.g. to increment the loop counter).
while (expression) statement;
Execute statement repeatedly while the expression is true: may never execute if it's false on entry to the loop.
do statement while (expression);
Execute statement repeatedly while the expression is true: always executes at least once.
return [expression];
Terminate execution of the current function, and return the value of the expression
goto label
Transfer execution to the labelled statement, which must be in the same function.
Terminate execution of the smallest enclosing loop or switch statement.
Forces the next iteration of the smallest enclosing loop to immediately start execution.
See the next section.