
Integer constants do not contain a decimal point. They are of the smallest type that would hold them unless they have a U or L suffix letter:

 nnn  signed short int  if between -32768 and 32767
 nnnU  unsigned short int  if between 0 and 32767
 nnn  unsigned short int  if between 32768 and 65535
 nnn  signed long int  if greater than -32768 or 65535
 nnnL  signed long int  

Octal constants have an "0" prefix: 0nnn

Hexadecimal constants have an "0x" prefix: 0xnn

Floating point constants contain a decimal point, have an exponent, or have an F suffix letter. They are of type double unless they have an F or L suffix letter:

nnF float
nn.nn[Enn]F float
nn.nn[Enn] double
nn.nn[Enn]L long double

Character constants are enclosed in single quotes: 'c'. The compiler will substitute the appropriate character if any of the following "backslash" or "escape" codes are used:

\a Alert (bell)
\b Backspace
\f Form feed
\n Newline
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\v Vertical tab
\' Single quote
\" Double quote
\\ Backslash
\0 Null
\nnn ASCII code in octal (a maximum of three digits are recognised)
\xnn ASCII code in hexadecimal

String constants are enclosed in double quotes: "string". The compiler automatically appends a null character to the end of the string.